[Review] Neilpryde RS:Racing EVO2

I think it is about time to write a few things about these sails. I have used 8.6/7.8/7.0/6.2 and have some impression I am willing to share.
  • Dispite different look the sail has sort of the same feeling like the older model RS:Racing (E1)
  • Downhaul is way different, it seems that you can use different downhaul settings to get to a very good performance. The older models needed always the same setting or very little tuning. The new EVO2 can be tuned way broader, for speedsurfing lots of downhaul (near max) seems to be the way. For slalom I think less downhaul is better
  • Recommended outhaul on the RS:Racing (E1) was easy to handle!! With the RS:Racing E2 I can't sail with negative outhaul, in other words I don't go any faster...
  • Gust handling is better with the new RS:Racing E2, you can feel and see the sail bending way earlier than its older brothers. This is really a big PLUS for lighter sailors, it is less exhausting.
  • Underpowered is also better with the RS:Racing E2, last session I jumped from my RSR E1 6.7 to a RSR E2 7.0, that 7.0 felt like a 7.8 compared to the older 6.7
  • With the older RSR sails I had to use a shorter mast, like 430 instead of 460 in my 6.7. With the new EVO2 you can use the recommended (long) mast even if you are not heavy.
A lot of conditions the (top)speed turned out to be about the same, but in gusty real-world conditions the EVO2 is better, I have to admit it is a mission completed by Neilpryde!! The windrange per sail is bigger again.
Due lack of money I won't be sailing the EVO2, but I can promise it won't turn you down when tuned correctly.


Erik is windsurfer for 10+ years. In his daily life he is professional in construction dewatering, advisor, troubleshooter. Erik likes adventures, explore and to challenge himself. During his life he is trying to get the best out of it and have respect for the earth, nature and future generations. The modern world is about sharing, in this blog Erik shares his experiences, selfreflection and lessons learned.

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  1. Hi Eric,
    Nice to hear your thoughts on the new evo2's. Its good to hear that you think to top end is similar for those keeping their RSR's a little longer. I suppose the bigger range means fewer sails and a cheaper upgrade than previous years. I am going to try the RSS MK3 and see how it goes.
    Cheers Tim

  2. Hi Tim,

    The Neilpryde RS:Slalom MK2 was very good I tried once and it suprised me in terms of control and speed.

    The RSS MK3 should be good, I hope to test it soon!


