[review] 2010 Naish Grandprix 7.0

I was asked to test the new Naish freerace model for Kater Funsports. It is a reasonable prized sail. From the shop I also got the required 2010 Naish 75% mast, just the combo they would like to sell.

It was the end of the season when I tried the sail, quite cold and windy for the 7.0. I just wanted to know if the Grandprix compared to a RS:Slalom or V8 from Neilpryde. Compared to my totally tuned-up RS:Slalom MK3 6.2 the difference was 5km/h, it was not really fair compare since against all my expectations this Naish is designed to be sailed small.

The sail has lots of bottom-end, I overdownhauled slightly with 2-3mm. Still the sail got massive power above the boom. I would definitly compare this sail with the Neilpryde V8 (or H2) class. TO go fast with this grandprix I would suggest to sail it small and not overpowered.

The Grandprix could be updated to a higher performance level sail (by yourself?!?). I felt like a flextop (unifiber??) mast would help giving control in all winds (I also sailed a flextop mast for a long time in my gaastra vapors it worked very good). The bottom battens were a bit to shore to really tension them good. Last but not least adding a tackstrap would be usefull.

The quality of the sail was outstanding, also the lighter materials are nice, eventhough the 75% mast is not able to give these light materials an added value. If you are a recreational windsurfer, speed between 45 and 65km/h this Grandprix sailrange would be a good value for money solution, especially on longer term (lets say you would like to sail more than 1 season).

For real speedsurfing performance I don't believe it will be easy to make the Grandprix as competitive as a Neilpryde RS:Slalom MK3. It is hard to equal the MK3 in performance.

Other gear used for this test: Fanatic Falcon 91, Sonntag GPS_3 340


Erik is windsurfer for 10+ years. In his daily life he is professional in construction dewatering, advisor, troubleshooter. Erik likes adventures, explore and to challenge himself. During his life he is trying to get the best out of it and have respect for the earth, nature and future generations. The modern world is about sharing, in this blog Erik shares his experiences, selfreflection and lessons learned.

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